Mom’s Meetings = Encouragement

The heart of Mom's Meetings is definitely encouragement, but there is also instruction, fellowship, healthy food and fun. Women from many different churches and backgrounds come to these monthly meetings. They are a warm and safe haven of encouragement. We talk about topics that women face such as finding time for prayer, strengthening marriage, becoming a better parent by understanding ourselves and our children better, handling adversity, difficult relationships, and learning ways to develop Christian character in our lives so we can be a better example to those around us. To sign up for the free newsletter, see link below.

We gather on the second Thursday of the month during the school year, with various classes from 6:00 -7:00, followed by our "Mom's Heart" gathering from 7:15-8:30.
University City Church of Christ, 4626 NW 8th Ave, Gainesville.

Meeting Hostess Mindy Kiker

6:00 to 7:00 In Classrooms:

  • Homeschooling Through High School

    Topics will include resources for home schooling teens, curriculum, recommended courses for career-geared student or college-bound student, preparing transcripts or not, on-line courses and Florida Virtual School, preparing students to drive, getting auto insurance, legislative changes affecting homeschooling the older student, college entrance exams (PSAT & SAT - new test coming soon and ACT), dual enrollment, entrance requirements for college, college applications, financial aid & scholarships, and Bright Futures (changes made yearly). This class is driven by you. I will have information available on all topics, but we will cover topics that are "stressing" you!

  • Mom's Prayer Group

    A prayer group focusing specifically on prayer for our children. Women can either come to pray alone or pray together.

6:00 to 7:00 In Main Meeting Area:

7:15 to 8:30 In Main Meeting Area:

  • Main Speaker

